This lovely floppy brimmed hat is made of brown felt and trimmed with beads of teal, gold, brown, amethyst and a teal feather.
Fits all 11 1/2" - 12" dolls.
Insurance is required and is included with the shipping.
Shipping will be added at checkout.
All TN residents must pay sales tax $12.00
Red & Purple Floppy
This wonderful hat would be just the thing for Barbie or her friends the wear the "The Red Hat Society" luncheons. The floppy brimmed hat is made of red felt trimmed with purple ribbon and purple and red feathers andpurple flowers. Fits all 11 1/2" - 12" dolls.
Insurance is required and is included with the shipping, Shipping will be added at checkout. All TN residents my pay sales tax. $12.00
Black & White
Wide floppy brimmed hat made of white felt trimmed with black grosgrain ribbon, netting and black feathers.
Fits all 11 1/2" - 12" dolls.
Insurance is required and is included with the shipping.
Shipping is added at checkout. All TN residents must pay sales tax. $12.00
Brown with Beige Flowers
This medium ruffled brim hat is made of brown felt trimmed with beige flowers.
Fits all 11 1/2" - 12" dolls.
Insurance is required and is included with the shipping.
Shipping is added at checkout.
All TN residents must pay sales tax. $12.00
White & Green
Hat has a wide brim of white felt trimmed with green and gold ribbon and a green feather. One side of the brim is turned up and the other side is turned down for a very chic effect.
Fits 11 1/2" - 12" dolls.
Insurance is required and is included with the shipping.
Shipping is added at checkout.
All TN residents must pay sales tax. $12.00
Red & Black
Hat has a wide brim of red felt with a crown of black felt. It is trimmed with black and white polka dot ribbon tied in a bow and streamers in the back of the crown.
Fitsall11 1/2" - 12" dolls.
Insurance is required and is included with the shipping.
Shipping is added at checkout.
All TN residents must pay sales tax. $12.00
Red & Purple Derby
This derby style hat would be great for the Red Hat Society functions. Made of red felt trimmed with purple flowers and purple feathers.
Fits all 11 1/2" - 12" dolls. Insurance is required and is included with the shipping.
Shipping is added at checkout.
All TN residents must pay sales tax. $10.00
Red, White, & Blue
A medium brimmed hat made of red felt trimmed in red, white, and blue striped ribbon with red and white feather.
Fits all 11 1/2" - 12" dolls.
Insurance is required and is included with the shipping.
Shipping is added at checkout.
All TN residents must pay sales tax. $10.00
White Pillbox
White pillbox hat is made of white felt decorated with a purple flower and red feather. Fits all 11 1/2" - 12" dolls.
Insurance is required and is included with the shipping. Shipping is added at checkout.
All TN residents must pay sales tax. $ 6.00
Red Pillbox
Red pillbox hat is made of red felt decorated with a purple flower and a purple feather.
Fits all 11 1/2" - 12" dolls.
Insurance is required and is included with the shipping.