Enid Collins Inspired Purses
These lovely purses are based loosely on the designs of Enid Collins from the 1950s and 1960s. I learned the technique of creating these from our own fellow designer Durelle Brown of Chic Indulgence who graciously granted me permission to recreate them and present them for sale here. I hope you enjoy them.

This barrel bag is made of beige linen with black handles and trim. The butterfly design in drawn free-hand and painted in a bright yellow and outlined with black. It is embellished with red and green jewels and crystals.
These are available for two size dolls, 11 1/2" and 16".
Insurance is required and included in shipping.
Shipping is added at checkout.
All Tennessee residents must pay sales tax.
These are available for two size dolls, 11 1/2" and 16".
Insurance is required and included in shipping.
Shipping is added at checkout.
All Tennessee residents must pay sales tax.

This barrel bag is made of beige linen with black handles and trim. The love design is drawn free-hand and painted in black. It is emblellished with pink jewels and crystals.
These are available for two size dolls, 11 1/2" and 16".
Insurance is required and included in shipping.
Shipping is added at checkout.
All Tennessee residents must pay sales tax.
These are available for two size dolls, 11 1/2" and 16".
Insurance is required and included in shipping.
Shipping is added at checkout.
All Tennessee residents must pay sales tax.

This barrel bag is made of beige linen with black handles and trim. The scorpion design in drawn free-hand and painted in a dark green. It is embellished with varying shades of red, pink,green and clear jewels and crystals.
These are available for two size dolls, 11 1/2" and 16".
Insurance is required and included in shipping.
Shipping is added at checkout.
All Tennessee residents must pay sales tax.
These are available for two size dolls, 11 1/2" and 16".
Insurance is required and included in shipping.
Shipping is added at checkout.
All Tennessee residents must pay sales tax.

This barrel bag is made of beige linen with black handles and trim. The fish design in drawn free-hand and painted in a black. It is embellished with teal and clear jewels and crystals.
These are available for two size dolls, 11 1/2" and 16".
Insurance is required and included in shipping.
Shipping is added at checkout.
All Tennessee residents must pay sales tax.
These are available for two size dolls, 11 1/2" and 16".
Insurance is required and included in shipping.
Shipping is added at checkout.
All Tennessee residents must pay sales tax.
Pink Flower Garden

This barrel bag is made of beige linen with black handles and trim. The design in drawn free-hand and painted with green leaves, stems, and grass. It is embellished with pink flowers with teal centers and embellished with pink and purple crystals.
These are available for two size dolls, 11 1/2" and 16".
Insurance is required and included in shipping.
Shipping is added at checkout.
All Tennessee residents must pay sales tax.
These are available for two size dolls, 11 1/2" and 16".
Insurance is required and included in shipping.
Shipping is added at checkout.
All Tennessee residents must pay sales tax.
Turtle Doves

This barrel bag is made of beige linen with black handles and trim. The design in drawn free-hand and painted with white and outlined in black. It is embellished with blue and pink pearl beads with amber, red, and clear jewels and crystals.
These are available for two size dolls, 11 1/2" and 16".
Insurance is required and included in shipping.
Shipping is added at checkout.
All Tennessee residents must pay sales tax.
These are available for two size dolls, 11 1/2" and 16".
Insurance is required and included in shipping.
Shipping is added at checkout.
All Tennessee residents must pay sales tax.
Blue Kitty

This barrel bag is made of beige linen with black handles and trim. The design in drawn free-hand and painted with blue. It is embellished with white pearl beads with amber eyes, and darker blue crystals.
These are available for two size dolls, 11 1/2" and 16".
Insurance is required and included in shipping.
Shipping is added at checkout.
All Tennessee residents must pay sales tax.
These are available for two size dolls, 11 1/2" and 16".
Insurance is required and included in shipping.
Shipping is added at checkout.
All Tennessee residents must pay sales tax.
Black and Amber Butterfly

This barrel bag is made of beige linen with black handles and trim. The design in drawn free-hand and painted with black. It is embellished with amber jewels.
These are available for two size dolls, 11 1/2" and 16".
Insurance is required and included in shipping.
Shipping is added at checkout.
All Tennessee residents must pay sales tax.
These are available for two size dolls, 11 1/2" and 16".
Insurance is required and included in shipping.
Shipping is added at checkout.
All Tennessee residents must pay sales tax.
Green Owl

This barrel bag is made of beige linen with black handles and trim. The design in drawn free-hand and painted with shades of green. It is embellished with amber and red eyes, pearls, blue, pink, and dark pink jewels.
These are available for two size dolls, 11 1/2" and 16".
Insurance is required and included in shipping.
Shipping is added at checkout.
All Tennessee residents must pay sales tax.
These are available for two size dolls, 11 1/2" and 16".
Insurance is required and included in shipping.
Shipping is added at checkout.
All Tennessee residents must pay sales tax.

This barrel bag is made of beige linen with black handles and trim. The design in drawn free-hand and painted with white and green. It is embellished with amber and green jewels.
These are available for two size dolls, 11 1/2" and 16".
Insurance is required and included in shipping.
Shipping is added at checkout.
All Tennessee residents must pay sales tax.
These are available for two size dolls, 11 1/2" and 16".
Insurance is required and included in shipping.
Shipping is added at checkout.
All Tennessee residents must pay sales tax.
Red Flowers and Dragonfly

This barrel bag is made of beige linen with black handles and trim. The design in drawn free-hand and painted with shades of red, green and yellow. It is embellished with red, orange, teal, and green jewels and crystals.
These are available for two size dolls, 11 1/2" and 16".
Insurance is required and included in shipping.
Shipping is added at checkout.
All Tennessee residents must pay sales tax.
These are available for two size dolls, 11 1/2" and 16".
Insurance is required and included in shipping.
Shipping is added at checkout.
All Tennessee residents must pay sales tax.